Yummy Mason Jar Salads, Save Time & Money.


Mason Jar Pre-made Salads:

My husband and I did this DIY pre-made lunch for each of us for the week. We each made 4 salads with different salad dressings, put them in the fridge and grabbed one for lunch on the go, or for a nice side to dinner. It stayed fresh and came in handy.

Always put the salad dressing first, then layer the harder vegetables, lettuce last. This will create a barrier so the lettuce doesn’t get soggy.
They will stay fresh for 4-5 days.
Use enough salad dressing.
I used croutons and they absorbed moisture and got soggy.
Use any vegetables, cheese, and greens you desire!
I bought a 12 pack of mason jars from Walmart. I got the wide-mouth kind, it’s easier to get your fork in! They were about $12 for the pack.

I gathered everything I like in my salad and did a little salad workshop on a Sunday. That way there was 8 salads all ready to go in the fridge.

My husband doesn’t get a lunch break a lot of days; so when he leaves for work, he simply grabs a salad jar and Ta-da, lunch!
What kinds of things do you put in your salad?

New Olive Oil Q, Print it here:


After my olive oil tutorial, I figure I need to put a coupon up to buy oil, of course, because coupons are money, money is time and time is money. You can print two copies of this coupon. Are you brand loyal to you olive oil? Comment below please 🙂
SAVE $1.00 Filippo Berio® On Any Filippo Berio® Olive Oil

Mason Jar Gift DIY|Less than $2



I got most of these items from the Dollar Tree and split them up. You can get creative and put whatever you want in the jars!
I got free trial size Redken products and made a beauty jar for my mom.
You can make these gifts for your loved ones with something they enjoy to do and they will feel loved and special. I put stuffed animals and lollipops in my 1 year olds jar. She will think that is groovy.
My older kids jars are full of a mix of stuff they need like pencils to things like candy/toys. My dads jar has his favorite gum in it and filled with handmade notes from each of his grandchildren (what you get for people who have everything). 🙂


What other ideas do you have for DIY GIFT mason jars?

Don’t wake up on the wrong side of the coffee filter.


You know how they say, the little things can determine the way you think and have a big outcome on your day?
I am not a morning person. This little tip helps when I am in a rush. Good thing to know if you are a coffee person.

Doing this takes 5 seconds and saves hassle and time.
Simply flip your stack of coffee filters and turn them all inside out. Looks the same, but, now the filter slips off one at a time. Not 2 or 3 sticking together. TADA. Thank you coffee for being amazing.
Am I the only person out there that doesn’t have a Keurig yet??

Skip the crystal light, go natural flavor H2O.


Sometimes, when I can not sleep, I ponder, what really is that flavored water mix made of? :). You never know. Hmmmm….Well, to cut costs, eat natural and drink the good stuff…why not throw in some fruit and let it infuse and talk to eachother in your fridge making a nice refreshing cup o water.
Orange & Vanilla Infused H2O
makes 2 liters


Pitcher water
1 orange, sliced
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (or no vanilla)


Simply combine the orange slices, vanilla and water in a large pitcher (I used this one), and mix well. Allow to infuse in the fridge for at least an hour, then keep chilled in the fridge for a refreshing cup of flavored H2O.
Keep in mind, you can throw in any variety of fruits you have laying around, even frozen fruit. YUMMM….